How to increase productivity in home office
28 janeiro, 2022Some time ago, working from home was already an option for many companies, especially small and medium-sized ones; With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, at the beginning of last year, this ended up becoming a necessity due to social isolation.
The home office is considered a very practical work modality, as it brings cost reductions for companies and some facilities for employees, such as working from the comfort of home (there is no need to travel to the company, often facing a uncomfortable and time-consuming public transport or wasting fuel, not to mention the time wasted in traffic) and flexible schedules. Factors that certainly make work more productive and enjoyable.
But for work from home to work properly, it is necessary to know how to face situations that may arise, precisely because you are at home. Generally, we are not / live alone and the presence of other people can interfere with concentration. Not having an appropriate place to work and procrastination are other adverse circumstances.
So, let’s talk a little about the importance of remote work these days and give some tips and suggestions on how to increase the productivity of your home office to bring better experiences to your career, since this modality is here to stay, even after the end of the pandemic. Follow this post and learn all about it!

The importance of remote work
Remote work is in evidence in Brazil and around the world. With the pandemic, it was necessary to rethink several aspects of our lives and adapt to the changes imposed by circumstances. Many limitations were imposed on us and companies had to reinvent themselves to continue with their business and escape bankruptcy. Life needed to go on and the home office was an excellent alternative to make this possible.
As social distancing forced us to stay at home, there was nothing more opportune than doing work at home, with just a computer with internet to carry out everyday tasks. Of course, not all organizations can make use of remote work, such as bus drivers and industries with machinery, among others, but companies that provide administrative, marketing and communication services, for example, can and have joined the home office.
Remote work was and continues to be very important at this time, opening possibilities for the economy to continue to walk, even in the face of a crisis that practically stopped the world. With the home office, jobs were maintained and employees remained in their activities, with the chance to continue to live – or survive – with dignity amid the chaos that the pandemic has brought.
Advantages and disadvantages of home office
Working from the comfort of home is great, isn’t it? There are many benefits, but not everything is rosy… The home office can also bring some inconveniences. Let’s list some advantages and disadvantages of the home office, so that your work at home is productive, peaceful and enjoyable.
Main benefits of working from home
1. Flexibility
Without a doubt, flexibility is one of the main benefits of the home office. Therefore, this modality conquers more and more people and was essential during the pandemic. Supporters can organize their time and activities as they see fit, but it is very important to know how to distinguish and classify business tasks and household tasks.
2. Convenience
Another great benefit of the home office is the convenience it provides, after all, working from home you don’t get stressed with traffic or crowded public transport. In this way, you increase your productivity and have more time for leisure, before or after work.
3. Life Quality
The home office provides a significant improvement in people’s quality of life. This is because, with the flexibility and convenience it provides, it is possible to make better use of the hours of the day and be more productive, ensuring better results at work, in addition to reconciling personal and professional life activities and feeling more motivated.
4. Economy
It is a fact that the home office brings savings, both for the employer and for the employee. For the employee, there is the possibility of saving on transport, displacement and food, for example. As for the employer, the savings are with equipment, maintenance and rent of the workspace, among others.
Some disadvantages of home office
The home office is, in fact, very good, but it is necessary to mention some inconveniences that can occur if focus and discipline are not maintained. Sometimes, for example, it can be difficult to maintain concentration: internal and external factors can hinder your productivity and the control of your performance can be impaired. The internal ones are, for example, sleep, hunger, physical and mental fatigue and household chores; and the external ones, noisy neighbors, children playing around them, TV on and procrastination, among others.
Best practices to improve home office productivity
As we said, with the pandemic, remote work has become a reality; and he is here to stay. But staying productive at home requires focus and discipline. And this may be easier on some days, more difficult on others, but with a few practices, it will flow just fine. Here are some of these practices to help you stay productive while working from home:
– Separate a place in the house so you can work without distractions;
– Create a work routine with start, lunch and end times;
– Plan the tasks you must do on a daily basis and pay attention to the deadlines to deliver them;
– Do not work in pajamas, as this can lead to procrastination and make the brain lazy – wear normal clothes or even more tidy, as if you were actually going to leave the house for work;
– Have good communication with your team, hold weekly or biweekly online meetings to keep in touch; and
– Keep your work desk tidy and organized.
Now that you’ve seen how good it is to work from home, the importance of it – especially in this time of a pandemic -, the many benefits and the few disadvantages, maybe you don’t want to work in person anymore. And if you need help making your home office spotless, count on us!